Book Review: Calico Captive

Calico Captive was written by Elisabeth George Speare, one of my favorite authors of historical fiction. She has some more great books like “Sign of the Beaver” “The Bronze Bow” and “The Witch of Blackbird Pond” so check her out!

Rating: ***** 5 out of 5 stars! (like most books I review)
What age? It was a bit longer (about 300 pages) so probably 12 and up but if they are really good readers maybe even 10 and up.
Audience: I would recommend this more for girls than boys just because there is a few who-marries-who scenes and the main character is a girl. (Boys: check out “The Bronze Bow” and “The Sign of the Beaver”-you will love them!)
Would I recommend? Yes!

The main gist- Set during the French and Indian War, “Calico Captive” realates the story of Miriam Willard and her sisters family who were captured by Indians and then held captive by the French. Beautifully written with some twists, suspense and intrigue. The other characters of Felicite, Pierre, Phineas, Madame Duquesne, Hortense and Mehkoa are well made and contribute depth to the story.

So after Miriam and Susanna (her sister) are thrown out from the Duquesnes (spelling?) they live in a tailors shop and make dresses for a living while they wait for James (Susannas husband) to return with thier freedom. Susanna and James go to prison when he returns and Miriam has to ask Pierre for help- as that is going on he falls in love with her and asks her to marry him. Will Miriam marry the wealthy Pierre or wait for her soldier Phineas? There are good examples of marriage in the book- rare in this day and age.

(spoilers are over) Read this jewel!


Book Review- Titus: Comrade of the Cross

First of all some background on this book, Titus: Comrade of the Cross by Florence Morse Kingsley. This is a Lamplighter book, which means it is an ooold book and was re-published by Lamplighter publishing. Check out their books…. they re-publish old gems. ๐Ÿ™‚

This book had been sitting on the shelf in our home and I finally picked it up and started reading it. What a treat! It kept me reading waaay past my bedtime a few nights and was a gripping page-turner, it was written beautifully and contained some awesome lessons.

Rating: ***** 5 out of 5 stars!
Age to read: It would make a good family read aloud or read on your own as a pre-teen or teen.
Would I recommend? Yes, yes, yes!!!

The overall gist- The life of Jesus through the eyes of Titus and Stephen (mostly). Titus was stolen as a boy from Caiaphas and grew up as the son of a drunk, Greek man. Stephen is Titus’s brother (son of the Greek) and is a cripple. This book gave a new look on that old story. When reading this I noticed lots of Scripture throughout so it is very intune with what the Bible says in the Gospels. An amazing account of Jesus’s life. I was impressed.

(This next paragraph will have spoilers so read only if you want to!) There were lots of twists in the plot. Like I said above it was very intune with the Bible but it had a story all of its own. It gave a great glimpse into Jesus working miracles and the heart behind those who were healed like Stephen (the cripple) who crawled to the city to plead for the life of his little friend and then Jesus heals him! You will see the characters show up in places in the story of Jesus like Damachus (the Greek dad) is the one who wants to make Jesus king after he feeds the five thousand. And Titus and Damachus are the ones who are hung on the cross on either side of Jesus. (Titus goes with Him to paradise).

(the spoilers are over) Lots of excitement. It really made the story of Jesus’s life come alive. Gripping, beautiful and well written!

Hope you enjoy!
Priscilla ๐Ÿ“š

Book Review- Unplanned by Abby Johnson

I recently finished the book “Unplanned” by Abby Johnson. The story is about Abby and her journey from one side of the fence to the other. If you don’t understand keep reading and I will explain. ๐Ÿ™‚

Rating: ***** 5 stars- as usual with my book reviews!
Age to read: 13 and up – The book did describe the abortion process in the first chapter so that is why I think it should be for mature readers only…

Abby Johnson started volunteering at Planned Parenthood after a volunteer fair at her college. She had a heart for the women coming and wanted to help them. Planned Parenthood fed her lies that by giving abortions they were helping the women. Abby had two abortions herself and moved on to operate the clinic in Bryan, TX. But then, one fateful day she helped with an abortion procedure and her eyes were opened. God had been wooing her over time and this one act was the last straw. She knew now that what she had been doing all along was help support killing babies. Read this incredible book to learn about Abby’s amazing story of walking across the line from Planned Parenthood to Coalition for LIFE!!!